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MEN'S BALDNESS: Prevent premature hair loss.

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

PREMATURE HAIR LOSS in men also known as MALE PATTERN BALDNESS or MALE ANDROGENITIC ALOPECIA is increasingly becoming common among men as they age.

Many men especially below 30 years of age find it a distressing and a depressing event. An increasing number of them are daily seeking treatment to prevent further hair loss and reverse the process.

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Jun 21, 2022

I appreciate so much Doc for the information that you have relaid here. For me I have brown hair, very thin hair could this be as a result of genes and could it be reversible.


This is awesome, Doc you offer cheap services in a legit way. Appreciation


Mots Edwin Mutwiri
Mots Edwin Mutwiri
Oct 06, 2021

Hello Doc

Your Blog posts are quite comprehensive and simple to understand.

More importantly, is the value the you give to your followers and clients beyond just health.Unmatched!.

You have over tge years demystified and debunked so many myths thaybI have began questioning my son called truths.

I must admit I have had a hard loss problem for quite sometime now and I have always believed it was genetic up until I started the autophagy marathon and working out. I am elated, the results are profound!.

Macro economically, I honestly believe that a healthier population consequently can even ease the pressure on the health sector and resources can be redirected elsewhere.

Continue doing the Lords work Amerixx.

Bless you man…


Sep 03, 2021

I really appreciate your advice and encouragement. God bless you.

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